Manual Line Scan Station
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April 24, 2024From assembly to testing to packaging and more, production lines require many moving parts to get the job done. However, while many of the tried and true production line methods have become dated, they are still in use in many facilities. This is because many facilities struggle with determining the best way to modernize these tasks. One common challenge in this industry, regardless of the item being manufactured, is the best way to tackle pick and place needs in the production line.
Historically, production lines have required intense pick and place efforts to be fulfilled by employees, including excessive lifting, bending, and twisting. These movements are tedious, repetitive, and often must occur at high speeds. Not only is this work tiring and potentially harmful to employees, but it also is not the most cost- or time-efficient option. Luckily, the modern production line can solve this problem by implementing vision-guided robotics (VGR) in the production line.
The Benefits of Vision Guided Robotics
Vision-guided robotics technology increases production while reducing industry costs across the board. Exciting new developments in technologies such as 3D machine vision and deep learning have opened the door to flexible automation to accelerate production and ease the ergonomic burden placed on the human production team.
Motion Automation Intelligence's solutions combine industrial-grade smart cameras with advanced pattern location processing. This allows robots to identify and select products based on their distinct size, shape, and design. Products can even be identified regardless of their orientation when the part is presented. Plus, faster processing speeds keep the robot ahead of the identification process.
VGR Applications
Vision guided robotics has the potential to open the doors for a number of applications, including the following:
- Conveyor loading and unloading
- Handling of nested parts from trays or boxes
- Placement, assembly, verification, and packaging
- Bin picking of random parts
- Palletizing and depalletizing
- Racking and de-racking
See How Our Team Can Assist
If you need a vision guided robitic application customized for your operations, the Motion Automation Intelligence team is ready to assist today. Contact a specialist to learn more.